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Fleet change: BODYSTREET and 25MINUTES rely on SYMBIONT

Cologne/Ehringshausen. A bang at the start of FIBO for EMS market leader BODYSTREET and 25MINUTES: almost 400 clubs of the two franchise chains will be equipped with the SYMBIONT Smart Body Device. SYMBIONT, developed by the German medical technology manufacturer schwa-medico, has thus made a remarkable start in the fitness eco-system.
Porsche meet Symbiont

SYMBIONT and Porsche Germany start pilot project with integrated health care performance system

It is a starting signal that could send out a major message to the entire fitness and health industry. As part of a pilot project, Porsche Germany will offer its customers an own personal performance programme via the Porsche Centers. This will be implemented with the German medtech company schwa-medico, which has developed SYMBIONT, the first bio-electric "smart body device" for holistic personal training.

SYMBIONT Tec Suit sizes

Nowhere is the term "functional clothing" as apt and the fit as important as when used in bioelectric training units. The SYMBIONT Tec Suit has to fit like a second skin. To do this, we use suit sizes that are selected and matched to the different body types and genders.

We did it- the world's greatest bio-electrical workout!

The bio-electric Totalbody workout is now also possible as a "group fitness experience". With the introduction of the new, smart technology from SYMBIONT, several hundred participants can be bio-electrically stimulated at the same time.
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The world's greatest bio-electrical workout

Leipzig, May 21, 2022. The bio-electric Total Body Workout continues to be extremely popular. With the introduction of new, smart technologies, it is now also possible to record important body data before and during the workout in order to train even more effectively and healthily - even outdoors. The world market leader in BODYSTREET has already converted a large part of its 300 studios to this new technology from SYMBIONT. In order to express these advantages of this new technology, about 400 people will now carry out a bio-electrical training at the same time, and this of course outdoors and wirelessly.

Round Table: FIBO launch and World Health Day, April 7, 2022 at 11:00 a.m., FIBO, Hall 8/A26

Overweight and lack of exercise are increasing massively as a result of the pandemic: Less exercise and poor nutrition - the consequences of the pandemic are alarming. They lead to a significant increase in body weight, deficits in motoric skills and the increased occurrence of mental disorders.

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